When Todd and I adopted Jun we decided we would tell Jun the truth about EVERYTHING. We thought that since he was adopted and building trust would be so important for our parent/child relationship it was ultra-important that we always tell the truth -that thought included Santa Clause. In our house, we would not have Santa Clause we decided in a rather superior way. We wanted Jun to know that there was a story about a guy named Santa Clause, but we didn't want to pretend that this guy actually existed and that he came into the house through the chimney after flying in on a sleigh being led by a bunch of flying reindeers… After all, there is a beautiful story which lead to the real Christmas and we would celebrate that story in our house.
But then last year the following conversation took place one night at dinner:
Me: stunned into silence. We never told him there was a Santa Clause, where did he come up with that idea?
Todd: "Jun, you know that Santa Clause lived a long long time ago and now we just celebrate his life and goodness at Christmas time"
Jun: "No, Baba, Santa Clause is alive"
Me: still stunned into silence
Todd: also stunned into silence
Jun: "Baba, I saw Santa Clause when I was 3, and I saw Rudolph, and I heard them on the roof" he literally screams with joy and laughter.
Me: now laughing and grabbing him for a hug
Todd: "well, I don't know about that, Jun"
Jun: "Baba you just have to believe!"
Me: get up to leave the room because I'm now crying and laughing.
Conclusion: Santa Clause came to our house for Christmas!
Todd and I totally embraced Santa Clause, and we decided we were being crazy obsessive parents in not having Santa Clause. We welcomed the magic of Christmas and looked forward to another year with Santa Clause.
But then the following conversation happened when Jun and I were driving down the road this morning.
Jun: "Mommy, is Santa Clause real?"
Me: "What do you think?"
Jun: "Mommy I asked what you think, not what I think. IS Santa Clause real?"
Me: Quickly trying to figure out a way out of the conversation since I am NOT prepared to give an answer. I don’t want to lie, I don't want to crush him, I don't want to be THAT parent who ruins Christmas for everyone because I had to go and tell my kid the truth…
Jun: "Mommy, IS Santa real?"
Me: "Well, Santa Clause represents the spirit of Christmas, you know, the love, kindness, and generosity that we should be prepared to offer those around us"
Jun: "Huh? Is Santa real?"
Me: "Well, there was a time when there was a real person who really gave gifts to the best behaved children in the world"'
Jun –he's now completely exasperated and really just wants a straightforward answer: "MOMMY, you aren't making any sense, IS Santa Clause real?"
I avoided the answer by just sort of ending the conversation. But, Jun does not forget… he will remember that I never gave him an answer and he will ask the question again and this time I'll have to be prepared to give some sort of answer.
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