Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day at the park

Here in Guangzhou we have two beautiful parks within walking distance from our hotel. One is called mountain park and is the more popular park located off the train stop. It is a huge park with filled with all sorts of people. We preferred the other park which is mostly a large lake and surrounding land. Yesterday we went for a walk in this park. I say walk but Kim has been doing the carrying duties of our little Lena. She feels a special bond with Kim and wants to be carried everywhere. It was a windy day and about 62 degrees. Inside the park we saw a lot of couples getting their wedding photos taken as well as glamour shoots. We walked to this pretty pagoda on one of the islands in the park. Kim finally had a chance to rest as the sun came out and Jun and Lena were playing on the steps. Jun starts to sweet as soon as he starts to run. Lena has to do everything Jun does so they booth took their jackets off as the were running around playing. All of a sudden this old guy walks up and starts Chinese. We quickly figure out that he is telling us that Lena's long sleeve tee shirt is not warm enough for her on this day. He just keep yelling. Actually when I here Chinese I here yelling or very serious talk. I know this isn't true but his voice was very stern and he couldn't figure out what the hell was going on. He was a big guy, especially in this area and he was all bundled up. He had a front tooth missing as he talked to us. He talked to me, then Jun and Jun just shruges his shoulders when people have been talking to him. Of course Lena is in a real crying fit. People are walking by looking at the guy as if he was crazy. He keep talking to me and I had no idea what he was saying, he actually started to write on his hand with his finger, like that would somehow make me understand what he was saying. We decided we should move on and we sat a bench as we got Lena to stop crying. Jun said "that man was not nice".

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh. The clothing police. Did you have that happen when you were up north picking up Jun too? We never had anyone quite as emphatic (or crazy) as your guy sounds, but we definitely had little old ladies checking how many layers Larkin had on and chastising us if they didn't approve of how bundles she was. Luckily with Chloe's pick-up trip it was 100-102 the whole time and they never yell at you about your kid being too warm!
