Happy New Year! I'm glad to say good-bye to 2012 and happy to say hello to new beginnings and 2013. Our 2012 went fine, but I felt like I was in limbo for the entire year while waiting to hear news about any progress that may have been made in the adoption. As 2013 starts I can honestly sit back and say that my family is complete. It's a wonderful feeling.
I don't mean the above description to suggest that we don't also have our joyful moments. There are plenty of those. Jun hugs his sister regularly, Lena laughs throughout much of the day, and Todd and I find a great deal of what the kids do to be extremely entertaining. All-in-all things are going amazingly well. But on a day when bathrooms runs and nightmares meant I was awake for more hours last night than I was asleep and Jun demonstrated his new-found inability to listen or behave by somehow hopping over the 4 ft. snowbank and straight into the oncoming traffic I'm sort of longing for a calm, content filled day.
So, for 2013 my goal is to achieve contentment, contentment for our entire family. I hope Jun can learn to enjoy his sister, I hope his sister can learn to enjoy her new parents as well as her big brother, and I hope Todd and I can calm down enough to enjoy the fabulous family life we have. By New Year's Eve next year I hope the 4 of us are able to sit on the couch, play games, watch movies, and ring in the New Year with the feeling of satisfaction.
AHHHHHHH, it is great to hear that you are home, survived the holidays and are off and running.... One day at a time and it will get better. 2013 will be a great year. Keep the blog coming.