I'm super happy to dress in sweatpants everyday. Jun's super happy to dress in sweatpants everyday. Todd's super happy to wear jeans everyday. None of have any bit of fashion sense, we dress for comfort. When we bought Lena her clothes I sort of assumed she would feel the same way, but as it turns out she's pretty happy to dress in little dresses everyday. Not always frilly, she also likes little overall dresses and jersey dresses, but on occasion she picks some wildly... well, wildly frilly outfits. She picked this one out yesterday, but had to take the skirt off later in the day because it was itchy. (And, she thought nothing of ripping the skirt right off and handing it to me while we were in the middle of the Dr's office)
The other day I left Todd and Lena alone while I went for a run and Jun was at school. I came home and found them sitting at the table together. I thought it was too cute to NOT take a picture.

Jun has not stopped burping in 7 weeks. He doesn't just burp every once in a while, he burps all day long, into the nigh, and first thing in the morning...all day and night long. I asked our regular Dr. about it, but she didn't seem concerned, blamed it on stress. I felt like it was more than that, so I called my "witch Dr". Jun went to see her a couple of days ago. Turns out he has parasites (quite common in children adopted from China, we should have had him checked for it 2 years ago) and a hiatial hernial. Very correctable and I'm pretty sure Jun LOVED the attention.
Of course, Lena cannot be outdone, so she insisted on hopping on the table too. I think she was disappointed to learn that nothing is wrong with her.
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